The autumn weather yesterday was stunning, and stimulating to the brain and the body. I felt spunky.....the way a horse does when the weather gets cooler. Jumping around and ready to run through the cool brisk air. My energy in turn was put to good use processing fiber. The smell and feel of raw wool fleece to me are like when a runners endorphins kick in and they get that "runners high". It was a productive day for the most part...... the other part.......well.....the lasagna didn't fair too well. Sadly, the lasagna fell off the tray (omgoodness, Bethy Crocker made frozen lasagna) and all over the oven, cabinet doors, and floor. Oh well, I got to

Back to the order completed. A CVM fleece turned out beautiful. It was quite short stapled, but it turned out soft and the different shades of color blended together evenly. This picture was obviously from 10/12/2010. You should see the pile of bumps when I got the order completed.
Working with the CVM just wasn't enough to give me my fiber fix, so I did some more picking of a shetland fleece. Very soft fleece. Well, that still wasn't I readied some samples for the Guild meeting this coming Thursday. (Okay here's the pitch) If you love fiber/wool, want to learn more, want to experience the fiber high, please feel free to join us at the Lancaster Spinner's and Weavers Guild. Check out our website at . Okay I'm done with the pitch. Enough for now also. Talk with you on the next blog.