Here is a tidbit of the book. Do you relate to this?
Quoted from: This Is How I Go When I Go Like This by Linda Collier Ligon
- I will not buy any more little bits of fiber (unless they're really wonderful).
- I will finish spinning each bunc of fiber before I proceed to another bunch (unless I can't help myself)
- I will rearrange all my yarns and fibers, currently organized by color because they look so lovely that way, by utility. No more fuzzy mohair in with the dish-towel yarn (unless they look made for each other).
- I will ruthlessly dispose of any yarn that i've had more than ten years and will surely never use (unless it has sentimental value).
Linda writes about her local spinning and weaving guild: "and found my local spinners' and weavers' guild, a hodgepodge of ages, backgrounds, lifestyles, skill levels, and tastes, all tied together with a tenuous thread of interest in an unusual and somewhat obsolete pursuit, that I felt the whole me was completely at home, completely accepted. The only thing the members of my guild had in common was a love of fiber and a love of potlucks."
Can you hear me chuckling LSWG guys and gals? Sound familiar?
And for the real smile breaker that I am 99.9% sure we have all done. "When I feel the urge to weave, I survey my hoard and, more often than not, go out and buy more." :-)
I really felt at home reading this book, and a rejuvenated inspiration to keep "passing it on"; the love of fiber arts, history, tradition, etc.
Definitely a recommended read.